Thursday 4 January 2018

Evaluation 3: Feedback

What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback?

Throughout producing our psychological thriller trailer, we have created and posted several drafts which we have received feedback on. Each time we have taken the feedback on board creating another improved trailer. 

The comments we received from our first draft were mainly about the sound effects and the pace. To improve our trailer we shortened our clips to 1.5 seconds to keep the pace exciting and included dramatic sounds throughout. 

The ways we could further improve this draft were to make sure there were focal points within the trailer as we were told audiences wouldn't know where to look. We made sure to zoom in on some areas such as the phone when Sophie's mum is calling the police so it obvious that this is the focal point. 

The feedback we received for our third draft was to make some shots even fast to a create contrast against the slower ones that contain narrative. Our peers said that the beginning could be less chronological and we needed a stronger link to the title. We took this feedback on board and we sped up the trailer also including a quick pace montage consisting of 8 clips at 0.3 seconds just at the end. We added a written note, reading 'You've been left behind' to create a deeper link to the title. 

Draft Four Feedback

We have used Facebook to post our fourth draft to gain feedback from our family and friends. We felt this was a really good way to present our trailer as we can see statistics of how many people liked the video, shared and commented on it. Less than 24 hours after the video was posted we received  80+ interaction and 350+ views. 

Build up in suspense is very effective
Enigma code is built
Enticed to watch the whole film
Include more voice overs
Include intertexts
Audience feedback has taught us how to directly address our audience and appeal to our demographic. Feedback from our friends on Facebook was really helpful as they are all similar ages and they fit our target audience. All the comments we got from them were positive which tells us we successfully advertised to our planned audience. 

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