Monday, 24 July 2017

Film Magazine Analysis (Johnny Depp)

The masthead - Empire is the biggest font on the page to catch people's attention and tells the reader that it’s the title. It suggests that the company is very important and influential.

The basic red font contrasts against the blue in the background. The magazine is popular enough to have the masthead is obscured by the main image. The magazine has a title that will be recognisable to readers.

The background of the main image sets the scene for the feature film. Along with the character in the main image the reader will know that this magazine is about 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. The background shows the island as well as showing variations of blues which links to the character, Jack Sparrow, as he is known for being cool and laid back.

The cover lines are written in black, yellow and white. These colours are used so that the text is broken down to not appear as overwhelming, the colour also helps the text stand out from the image. The use of bright colours connotes the genre of the feature film as fun and exciting.

The colours will mostly appeal to a younger audience as they are attracted to bright colours.

The biggest focus on the page is the main character from the feature film, Jack Sparrow. The image of the main character is a posed, mid shot which is the largest image on the page. This tells the audience who the focus of the magazine is without reading the titles. The character is posing, looking directly towards the audience which engages us and feels like direct communication.

The iconography of a gun, ragged clothes and jewellery, suggest that he is a pirate.

Captain Jack Sparrow is played by Johnny Depp, who is known for many of his other iconic roles in the film industry. The use of star power on the cover of the magazine will attract lots of different audiences who know him for other films.

The main cinema demographic and target audience for this magazine is 15- 28. I think this because the feature film has a BBFC certificate of 12 but stereotypically, children younger than 15 are less likely to want to read.

Cover lines around the page tell the reader what to expect inside including a list of 6 films and '102 more'. Gratifications promise that this magazine will give them an 'essential' 2011 preview which you won’t be able to get anywhere else. This attracts an audience as readers will want to know more than anyone else.

The barcode can be found quite large at the bottom of the page. however, the cover doesn't have a date, price or website.  This means the magazine could lose some income over the missing platforms. 

the strapline is hard to find on the cover because of all the other text, the reader will struggle to know what the magazine will focus on without scanning the magazine first which will not attract an audience.

The USP of this magazine is that the audience is promised to be told about more than 100 different films coming out in the year 2011 as well as an exclusive first look at 'Pirates 4'. Gratifications are what makes magazines popular and unique.

Attention is gained by the popular and well know title as well as the star power used on the front cover and the comedic mood.

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