Thursday 27 July 2017

The Circle Film Trailer Analysis

Lots of close-ups to show the main character's  happiness and intelligence in the beginning and her fear at the end
Panning and tracking shots
Mid shots showing the character and the activity they are doing
Long shot of Tom Hanks and his audience

Tension building background music, unnoticeable at the beginning, adds rhythm

Angelic singing 'were watching you' links to the plot and what Tom Hanks character says about the camera technology
As the music and the tension builds the singing sounds more creepy and sinister
Lots of diegetic crashing and screaming at the end

Emma's character wears lots of light coloured clothes, connoting that she is innocent and naive
Tom Hanks character wears a dark jumper whilst presenting his speech, connoting he is the antagonist of the film

Release date
Actors names
Lots of red flashes within some clips suggesting that the video is part of the cult they are talking about.
Red text and backgrounds, connoting danger
Cross-cutting between locations
Shot reverse shot conversations
Gerontological editing
The tagline 'join us' reinforces the cult-like mood

The Circle's logo is shown a lot connoting it is a cult-like group
Slow pace editing in the beginning but fast pace towards the end, increasing the tension and drama
The trailer doesn't give too much away, meaning an audience will want to see the film to find out more.
Star power: Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, Karen Gillan and John Boyega
The mood is light at the beginning, bright colours, harmless dialogue, almost inspirational talking.

The end is dramatic and dark.
we know Emma Watson's character is going to be the main character as the focus is on her for the majority of the trailer

1 comment:

  1. Well done Zoe - some good points here, although could you delve deeper in your analysis of different elements, for example use of Mise-en-Scene. Perhaps make the screen grabs larger as well. RSC
