Wednesday 6 December 2017

Filming for Left Behind - Rachael Smith

The first thing we will need top films the news report as this appears in the first 10 seconds of the trailer. We will need to film it before we film Millie and Estelle's parts as they watch the news report on the telly. We will be filming the news report on Wednesday (6th) with Jack Warner. We will film the report outside as it will be easier to make the reporter look like they are on location than making a classroom look like a new studio. In the girl on the train, there is a vague shot of camera men running, which suggests a news report is taking place. I think news reports can be vital to a film or trailer to give the audience some idea of what is going on.

 As Bryony is really busy we are struggling to find a date where we can film with her. We might have to recast this role.

We filmed Millie's part on Wednesday (6th). We filmed her getting into bed and blowing out the candle. As we filmed in the morning we used black out blinds to give the illusion of night time. We filmed some shots with a light on and some without to see which looks best when it comes to editing. This is the only part Millie is in so we chose to film this part as soon as we could.
We have planned to film with Estelle and Bryony on Sunday (10th).

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