Friday 8 December 2017

Target audience anaysis

The target audience for our film Left Behind is both male and female between the ages of 17 to 28. We decided to give our film a 15 certificate to widen the range of audiences and help bring in more revenue. Even though it is a 15, we believe that 17-year-olds will be more interested in this kind of genre.  This is because younger teens might not be able to keep up with the unexplained drama.  

The trailer will target younger audiences as it will be online which most of the younger generation have access to.

The film will appeal to both male and female audiences as we have included vulnerable teenage girls which are a classic convention used to keep male audiences interested. Females who like suspense films will be enticed as they will put themselves in the shoes of the main female lead, bringing more impact to the audience’s experience. 

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